fuel tank

Look, just keep your tank as full as possible, trust us

Why is it bad to drive on an empty gas tank? 

Hopefully, vehicle owners understand the importance of oil changes and regular maintenance in the 21st century, even if their cars might have been built in the last one. While cars, trucks and SUVs are more reliable than ever, there is still a hidden danger that lurks under the surface. So, why is it bad to drive on an empty gas tank? Well, the number one reason is that, eventually, you’ll get stranded somewhere inconvenient and possibly dangerous. A close second is that repeatedly running your gas tank to the bottom could cause major damage that will result in very expensive repair bills. Let’s take a closer look at some things you should know. 

READ MORE: How do I get my car ready to trade-in? 

What happens when I get low on gas? 

In most vehicles, the engine is located at the front of the vehicle and the gas tank is at the back. Fuel needs to be pumped from one location to the other. Naturally, this is where the fuel pump comes into play. The gas is sucked up by a float pump, similar to the sump pump someone might have in their basement. When the fuel level is too low, the pump will start to pick up sediment and other contaminants that will eventually clog the fuel filter and/or burn out the pump. 

Replacing a fuel pump is a notoriously labor intensive and expensive repair. The bill could easily run north of $1,000.  

How much gas should I keep in my car? 

Despite what some people may think, the low fuel light your vehicle may show you is not a challenge. When this light comes on, it means that you’re down to the last 10 or 15 percent of available fuel. Keeping your tank filled at a quarter-tank or higher is a good rule of thumb. 

If it’s time to move on to a new (to you) pre-owned vehicle, make an appointment with a Carizma Motors product expert today.