2015 Chevrolet Silverado driving

Are horsepower and torque the same thing?

Difference between horsepower and torque output measurements 

When you’re searching for a used sedan, pickup truck or SUV, what’s the most important thing you look at? Besides interior amenities, cargo space and styling, the main selling point for most models is the amount of power they can produce. This is universally measured in horsepower and torque output, and bigger is always better. However, these two things are not the same – join Carizma Motors of Lubbock today as we show you the difference between horsepower and torque output measurements! 

How to calculate a used vehicle’s horsepower ratings 

The measurement that we know today as horsepower was determined by legendary engineer James Watt sometime during his lifespan – in his judgement, under optimal conditions and with a Block and Tackle system attached, a workhorse could handle 33,000 foot-pounds of work every minute.  

RAM 1500

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Applied to engines, horsepower (equivalent to 746 watts, a common unit of measurement in its own right) is used to determine how much power an engine can produce against the load that it’s tasked with handling.  

Why are horsepower and torque often measured together? 

The answer to this is quite simple – horsepower in today’s automotive world is calculated with its full torque output (measured in pound-feet) as a basis. When determining a model’s horsepower, researchers will often use a dynanometer to measure the amount of power it can churn out. This measurement is read as pound-feet, the common unit to measure torque output.  

To get horsepower, all you have to do is multiply your vehicle’s torque output by the revolutions per minute (rpm) it took to achieve this divided by 5,252. So, if a model can produce 200 pound-feet of torque at 6,000 rpm, it in effect will also achieve around 228 horsepower at this amount! 

Read More: What to look for when you test drive a used vehicle

Test drive a fresh used model at Carizma Motors in Lubbock TX 

Our Carizma Motors lot is filled with some of the strongest vehicles in their respective classes, and we invite you to contact our sales team today to schedule a test drive of one. We’d be happy to help you find the right model for your needs!